• Upon saving a New Question Series, there is a Review Series selection button that will display the Question Series with several edit icons next to each question.

  1. Go to Question > All Question Series
  2. Enter the Series Name and click on the "Filter" button.

  3. Click on the name of the series.
  4. Editing icons appear after each question under the "Action" column. "Edit" buttons are at the bottom of the screen.

  • Edit Icons - These icons let you make the following edits:

  • Edit Buttons – The “Set/Edit Alerts” button takes you to the screen where you can set and edit the alerts.

  • The Edit Series button takes you back to the Create Series screen where you can add new questions. All new questions added will automatically be placed at the end of the series. 
    • To change the order of the question in the series, go to the Review Series menu and select the up or down arrow to control the order of the questions. 
  • The Deactivate Series button will delete a series and all the associated data.

  • The Add New Series button takes you back to the Create Series screen.

  • The Reorder Questions button allows you to change the order of the questions. To change the order of the question is the series, go to the Review Series menu, click on the question, and select the Move Up or Move Down button to control the order of the question.

  • The Print Series allows you to print it out.