Manage Company - Call Agent Screen
Modified on: Fri, 18 Mar, 2022 at 2:11 PM
- When a Call Agent makes a selection from the Call Results menu on the Call Agent screen, the system will automatically follow the rules established. Further, the rules can be specific to a single TouchPoint. Thus, a Provider can establish rules that are the default for all Call Schedules yet override them for one or more specific TouchPoints.
- Call agent screen:

- System Default Rules:
- These Five Call Results – “Bad Data”, “Uncooperative”, “Deceased”, “Does Not Speak English”, and “Participant in Hospital” – result in a system default whereby and email is sent to the provider Admin email address indicating that an attempt to contact a Participant had one of these five results.
- The system also inactivates the Participant and suspends any remaining scheduled calls.
- The Provider is responsible for correcting the Bad Data or resolving the language or cooperation issue and reselecting the Participant as “Active”. Upon reactivating a Participant, all remaining scheduled calls will be reinstated.
- Call Results Alerts:
- During the setting of Call Result Rules, the Provider can also elect to have email alerts sent to the Provider Admin email address if a Call Result of “Busy”, “No Answer”, “Uncooperative” or “Voice Mail” occurs.
- The user can determine after which call attempt and for which of the above Call Results an alert e-mail will be sent. In the below screen shot, an email Alert will be sent if the second call attempt results in a Call Result of “Busy”, “No Answer”, “Unavailable” and “Voice Mail”.

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